Got points? Get rewards!
You can keep redeeming the My WU points you have for available rewards and enjoy the benefits.
Pretty soon, you’ll hear all about our new and more rewarding loyalty program.
Remember, until it’s here, points earning is on hold.
Stay tuned!
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Explore rewards
Save up to $2.5 of transfer fee.
You already have a discount activated in your account! You must use this discount by making a money transfer before redeeming another.
Please wait 24 hours before redeeming another discount, as we need to confirm the money transfer and process your current discount.
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Congratulations! You have successfully redeemed this reward and your discount will automatically be applied to your next transaction.
Thank you for supporting the Western Union Foundation! Visit our website to learn more about all the important programs we support.
Redeem reward
Get a transfer fee discount2 of $2.50 when paying for a qualifying money transfer online* on or WU app, or, $2 at WU participating agent locations**. Please note discounts do not apply to transfers to Cuba.
Send money Learn More Redeem 25 points
* Once redeemed, a discount cannot be split on several transactions.
* Valid for digital transactions (eg via or the WU app) paid by credit card or directly by your bank account.Save up to $5 of transfer fee.
You already have a discount activated in your account! You must use this discount by making a money transfer before redeeming another.
Please wait 24 hours before redeeming another discount, as we need to confirm the money transfer and process your current discount.
You only need {pointsAway} more points to redeem this reward!
You have enough points to redeem this reward.
Congratulations! You have successfully redeemed this reward and your discount will automatically be applied to your next transaction.
Thank you for supporting the Western Union Foundation! Visit our website to learn more about all the important programs we support.
Redeem reward
Get a transfer fee discount2 of $5 when paying for a qualifying money transfer online* on or WU app, or, $4 at WU participating agent locations**. Please note discounts do not apply to transfers to Cuba.
Send money Learn More Redeem 50 points
* Once redeemed, a discount cannot be split on several transactions.
* Valid for digital transactions (eg via or the WU app) paid by credit card or directly by your bank account.Save up to $10 of transfer fee.
You already have a discount activated in your account! You must use this discount by making a money transfer before redeeming another.
Please wait 24 hours before redeeming another discount, as we need to confirm the money transfer and process your current discount.
You only need {pointsAway} more points to redeem this reward!
You have enough points to redeem this reward.
Congratulations! You have successfully redeemed this reward and your discount will automatically be applied to your next transaction.
Thank you for supporting the Western Union Foundation! Visit our website to learn more about all the important programs we support.
Redeem reward
Get a transfer fee discount2 of $10 when paying for a qualifying money transfer online* on or WU app, or, $8 at WU participating agent locations**. Please note discounts do not apply to transfers to Cuba.
Send money Learn More Redeem 95 points
* Once redeemed, a discount cannot be split on several transactions.
* Valid for digital transactions (eg via or the WU app) paid by credit card or directly by your bank account.Save up to $15 of transfer fee.
You already have a discount activated in your account! You must use this discount by making a money transfer before redeeming another.
Please wait 24 hours before redeeming another discount, as we need to confirm the money transfer and process your current discount.
You only need {pointsAway} more points to redeem this reward!
You have enough points to redeem this reward.
Congratulations! You have successfully redeemed this reward and your discount will automatically be applied to your next transaction.
Thank you for supporting the Western Union Foundation! Visit our website to learn more about all the important programs we support.
Redeem reward
Get a transfer fee discount2 of $15 when paying for a qualifying money transfer online* on or WU app, or, $12 at WU participating agent locations**. Please note discounts do not apply to transfers to Cuba.
Send money Learn More Redeem 140 points
* Once redeemed, a discount cannot be split on several transactions.
* Valid for digital transactions (eg via or the WU app) paid by credit card or directly by your bank account.Donate to help in-need scholars complete their degrees.
You already have a discount activated in your account! You must use this discount by making a money transfer before redeeming another.
Please wait 24 hours before redeeming another discount, as we need to confirm the money transfer and process your current discount.
You only need {pointsAway} more points to redeem this reward!
You have enough points to redeem this reward.
Congratulations! You have successfully redeemed this reward and your discount will automatically be applied to your next transaction.
Thank you for supporting the Western Union Foundation! Visit our website to learn more about all the important programs we support.
Redeem reward
The Western Union Foundation believes that education is the surest pathway to economic opportunity, and provides scholarships to high-potential, in-need students. Your donation will help scholars afford to graduate from college.
Send money Learn More Redeem 15 points
* For every 15 points redeemed by My WU members in the USA by June 30, 2024, Western Union will donate 2 US dollars, up to a total of 7,500 US dollars. Contributions to the foundation are tax deductible for US income tax purposes. The WU Foundation will use this opportunity to support projects that support displaced and marginalized young people. The aim is to provide them with the training they need to be successful in today's global economy.
Donate to help support small businesses and entrepreneurs.
You already have a discount activated in your account! You must use this discount by making a money transfer before redeeming another.
Please wait 24 hours before redeeming another discount, as we need to confirm the money transfer and process your current discount.
You only need {pointsAway} more points to redeem this reward!
You have enough points to redeem this reward.
Congratulations! You have successfully redeemed this reward and your discount will automatically be applied to your next transaction.
Thank you for supporting the Western Union Foundation! Visit our website to learn more about all the important programs we support.
Redeem reward
The Western Union Foundation supports entrepreneurs and small businesses with skill building and seed funding to launch, expand or grow. Your donation will help make a difference in local communities by supporting small businesses and entrepreneurs.
Send money Learn More Redeem 15 points
* For every 15 points redeemed by My WU members in the USA by June 30, 2024, Western Union will donate 2 US dollars, up to a total of 7,500 US dollars. Contributions to the foundation are tax deductible for US income tax purposes. The WU Foundation will use this opportunity to support projects that support displaced and marginalized young people. The aim is to provide them with the training they need to be successful in today's global economy.
1Western Union also makes money from currency exchange. Fees and rates subject to change without notice.
2Fee reductions apply only to the Western Union® transfer fee for a single Western Union Money Transfer or Quick Collect transaction. Excludes all other services. Points used are only refundable within 90 days of transaction and if amount of transfer fee is less than redeemed discount, no cash, credit or refund will be provided. Western Union reserves the right to offer other promotional discounts that cannot be combined with My WUSM fee reductions.
*Discounts do not apply on money transfers to Cuba.