Universal Credit if you're State Pension age and get a Migration Notice letter (2024)

Only read this guidance if you’re State Pension Age and get a Migration Notice letter

You should read the following guidance if you’re:

  • a couple where one of you is State Pension ageand one of you is under State Pension age:Universal Credit if you’re a ‘mixed age couple’ and get a Migration Notice letter
  • not State Pension age:Move to Universal Credit if you get a Migration Notice letter

If you have not received a Migration Notice letter visit the Universal Credit guidance.

Universal Credit is for State Pension age people who are working

You can claim Universal Credit if you’re working and receiving tax credits.

If you’re State Pension ageandget a Migration Notice letter, you can claim Universal Credit even if:

  • you’re still working
  • you’ve renewed your tax credits
  • you have money, savings and investments of more than £16,000
  • you’re receiving a pension

To continue getting financial support, you must claim Universal Credit by the deadline date in your letter.

You can continue working with no ‘work-related conditions’ for 12assessment periods(about 12 months). This means you will not have to:

  • increase your hours
  • find additional work
  • attend work-related meetings at your local job centre

Benefits that are ending

The following benefits are ending and are being replaced by Universal Credit:

  • Working Tax Credit
  • Child Tax Credit

Your Housing Benefit will beending

If you receive Housing Benefit, it will be ending. However, if you’re eligible, housing support will be added to your entitlement when you claim Universal Credit.

Your benefits will end even if you decide not to claim Universal Credit.

Reclaiming Housing Benefit

You can reclaim Housing Benefit if you do not claim Universal Credit, or you claim before your deadline date but are not entitled to Universal Credit.

You can get advice from your local council about backdating your Housing Benefit claim. Your claim can only be backdated for up to 3 months.

Find out more aboutHousing Benefit eligibility.

When you need to apply

To continue receiving financial support you must claim Universal Credit by the deadline date in your letter.

If you cannot claim Universal Credit by the deadline date, you should contact theUniversal Credit Migration Notice helplineas soon as possible.

You may be able to get more time to make a claim if you have a good reason. You must request this before your deadline date.

Transitional protection

As your benefits are ending and you need to move to Universal Credit some of the normal eligibility rules for claiming are different. This is known as‘transitional protection’.

To get transitional protection you must claim Universal Credit by your deadline date.

You will not get transitional protection if you claim before you get a Migration Notice letter.

Transitional protection top up payments

If the amount you’re entitled to on your existing benefits is more than you’ll get on Universal Credit, a top up is available.

You can only get this additional amountif you have received a Migration Notice and claim by your deadline date.

If you have debt from your existing benefits, this will be recovered when you move to Universal Credit and deducted from your Universal Credit amount. Seewhat you’ll getfor more on deductions.

You do not need to apply for transitional protection.It will be paid to you automatically if you get a Migration Notice and make a Universal Credit claim by your deadline date.

Money, savings and investments

You can claim Universal Credit even if you have money, savings and investments over £16,000 for 12 assessment periods.

After this, you will not be eligible for Universal Credit if you still have more than £16,000 in money, savings and investments. 

If you apply after the deadline date and have money, savings and investments of more than £16,000 you will not be able to claim Universal Credit.

Change of circ*mstances

If you have a change in circ*mstances, such as stopping work before you claim Universal Credit, you may not be eligible for transitional protection.

If you have a temporary increase in earnings, this could end your Universal Credit entitlement. If your earnings reduce again within the next 3 months, and no other circ*mstance change, you can reclaim Universal Credit again.

Claiming Pension Credit instead of Universal Credit

If you choose to apply for Pension Credit instead of Universal Credit,you will not get transitional protection and may receive less financial support.

If you then decide to withdraw your Pension Credit claim and apply for Universal Credit by your deadline date, you’ll still be eligible for transitional protection.

Once a claim to Pension Credit is accepted, the option to apply for Universal Credit is closed.

Find out more aboutPension Credit.You can also usethePension Credit calculatorto work out how much you might get.

What you’ll get

On Universal Credit, most people will be entitled to the same amount they received from their previous benefits, or more.If your circ*mstances change before you make your claim, this may affect the amount you get.

Your Universal Credit payment is made up of a standard allowance and any extra amounts that apply to you, for example if you:

  • have children
  • have a disability or health condition which prevents you from working
  • need help paying your rent

Find out more aboutwhat you’ll get.

Benefits calculators

You can use an independent, free and anonymous benefits calculator to estimate how much you could get on Universal Credit.

Benefit calculators give estimates so may not be accurate.

Theentitledtoand thePolicy in Practice Better Offcalculators:

  • calculate transitional protection (top up payments) available
  • take into account if you’re State Pension age
  • can be used if you receive tax credits and have money, savings and investments of £16,000 or more

Calculations do not include any deductions that may be taken from your Universal Credit amount.

DWPis not responsible for information given by the calculators.

Removal of the benefit cap

Thebenefit capis normally applied to Universal Credit and other benefits.This a limit on the total amount of benefit you can get.However, the benefit cap will not apply if:

  • you’re State Pension age
  • you’re still working
  • you receive a Migration Notice

How Universal Credit is worked out

Your Universal Credit award is calculated based on your circ*mstances each month. These are called your ‘assessment periods’. This is different to tax credits which are calculated yearly.


How much Universal Credit you get willdepend on yourearnings. This includes income from:

  • full time work
  • part time work
  • employed orself-employedwork
  • pensions

Changes in your circ*mstancescan affect how much you’re paid for the whole assessment period – not just from the date you report them.

Find outhow your wages affect your payments.


Money can be taken from your Universal Credit payments to pay for things like:

  • court fines
  • rent arrears
  • overpayments or arrears from tax credits, Council Tax, Housing Benefit,Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)andJobseeker’s Allowance (JSA)
  • utility debts, like electricity, gas, water

Money cannot be deducted from things like your child allowance, childcare, and housing costs.

Find out more aboutmoney taken off your Universal Credit payment.

If you’re claiming a pension

You can still claim Universal Credit if you’re receiving your pension. However, the amount of pension you receive will be deducted from your Universal Credit amount and treated asincome.

If you have delayed (‘deferred’) your State Pension

If you delayed taking your pension before you received your Migration Notice, we will not treat your deferred pension as income for 12 assessment periods.

If you then decide to take your pension within this period, it is treated as income.

After 12 assessment periods, the amount of pension you’re entitled to is counted as income, even if you’ve decided not to take it. This is known as ‘notional’ income.This can affect how much Universal Credit you get.

Once you move to Universal Credit, you will not be able tocontinue building up any:

  • extra State Pension
  • State Pension lump sum (if you reached State Pension age before 6 April 2016)

What you’ll get if you live with your partner

How much you can get will depend on your partner’s income and savings, as well as your own.

How to claim Universal Credit

You can apply for Universal Credit online.

You need to create an account to make a claim. You must complete your claim within 28 days of creating your account or you’ll have to start again.

When you or your partner make a claim to Universal Credit your existing benefits that are being replaced by Universal Credit will stop. You cannot go back to those benefits, because they are ending.

If you cannot apply online, you can claim by phone. Call theUniversal Credit Migration Notice helpline.

How to claim if you live with a partner

You’ll both need to claim Universal Credit if you live with your partner in the same household and are:

  • married to each other
  • civil partners of each other
  • living together as if you are married

You must make a joint claim for your household, even if your partner is not eligible for Universal Credit. You cannot claim by yourself.

To begin, both of you need to create your own Universal Credit online accounts. The first person to create their account will receive a partner code, which will be displayed on screen.

Your partner will then need to use this code when they create their Universal Credit online account. This ensures the accounts are joined together and you are correctly claiming as a couple.

Once you’ve created your account you can make a claim for Universal Credit.

What you’ll need to apply

To apply online you’ll need:

  • your bank, building society or credit union account details
  • an email address
  • access to a phone

To prove your identity, you’ll need some documents such as your:

  • driving licence
  • passport
  • debit or credit card
  • payslip or P60

To complete your claim you’ll need to provide information about:

  • your housing, for example how much rent you pay
  • your earnings, for example payslips
  • any disability or health condition that affects your work
  • how much you pay for childcare if you want help with childcare costs
  • your savings and any investments, like shares or a property that you rent out

You might need an appointment with the Universal Credit team if:

  • they need more information
  • you cannot verify your identity online

You’ll be told if this appointment will be in a jobcentre or on the phone.

Apply for Universal Credit online

Steps to getting Universal Credit

  1. Set up an Online Universal Credit account.

  2. Complete and submit online claim.

  3. Prove your identity.

  4. Provide documents and evidence to support your claim.

  5. Agree the activities inyour claimant commitment.

When you prove your identity we’ll know you’ve received a Migration Notice letter and your information will be linked up automatically.

Start now

If you need help to make your claim you can get free support from the Citizens Advice Help to Claim service:

How you’re paid

Universal Credit is paid once a month, usually into your bank, building society or credit union account.

If you’re not able to open a bank, building society or credit union account, call theUniversal Credit Migration Notice helplinefor advice about how to arrange a different way of getting paid.

Your payment can include anamount for housing costs, which you’ll usually need to pay to your landlord. If your landlord was being paid your housing costs directly, you’ll need to discuss the change of payment arrangements with them.

Final payments for existing benefits

The date of your final payments from your existing benefits depends on whichever is first:

  • the deadline date on your letter
  • when you make a claim to Universal Credit

If any further payments are due, they will be made shortly after your entitlement ends.

Moving from tax credits

If you claim tax credits, your entitlement will end as soon as you make a claim to Universal Credit.

If you do not make a claim by the deadline, your tax credit entitlement will end on the day before the deadline.

Moving from Housing Benefit

If you’ve applied for Universal Credit, you’ll keep getting your current benefit paid for 2 more weeks. You must still be eligible for your current benefit. You will not need to pay back these extra payments and they will not affect the Universal Credit you might get.

If you do not make a claim to Universal Credit by the deadline, your last day of entitlement to your existing benefits will be 2 weeks after the deadline.

If you receive both tax credits and Housing Benefit, your tax credits will end as soon as you make a claim, or the day before your deadline date (whichever is first). Your Housing Benefit will continue for 2 weeks.

Help while waiting for your first payment

Your claim starts on the day you submit it in your account, however it usually takes around 5 weeks to get your first payment.

If you need help with your living costs while you wait for your first payment, you canapply for an advance withinyour Universal Credit online account.

You’ll need to pay back your advance in instalments from your future Universal Credit payments.

Find out more abouthow you’re paidincluding payment dates, if you live with a partner, and alternative payment arrangements.

Your responsibilities

When you have made your claim to Universal Credit you’ll need to manage your own finances and maintain your claim online. This includes:

  • updating your account
  • managing your own rent and other housing costs, unless you have another payment arrangement in place
  • reporting changes in circ*mstances
  • if you’re self-employed, you will need to report your earnings every month

To get Universal Credit payments, you’ll need to accept an agreement called a ‘claimant commitment’. What you’ll need to commit to will dependon your ageand circ*mstances. Find out more aboutclaimant commitments.

If you’re employed or self-employedyou will not be expected to look for work during your first 12 assessment periods.

Changes in circ*mstances you must tell us about

You need to report changes to your circ*mstances so you keep getting the right amount each month.

Changes can include: 

  • changing your bank details
  • changes to work and money, such as earnings,pension income, jobs, rent and savings
  • change to your health
  • household changes, including children, care, partner and immigration status

Find out more about changes in circ*mstances you must tell us about.

You could be taken to court or have to pay a penalty if you deliberately give wrong information or do not report a change in your circ*mstances.

When you move to Universal Credit, for 12 assessment periodsyou can work and have no conditions or requirements.

However, if you’re self-employed and move to Universal Credityou’llneed to declare your earnings every month.

After 12 assessment periods

If you decide to remain on Universal Credit after 12 assessment periods and continue working, a minimum earnings threshold (MET) will apply to your earnings.

From this point, we’ll look at your earnings for the last 3 months to see if they dropped below the MET. At any point during your claim, if your earnings dropbelow the MET for 3 months in a row your Universal Credit claim will be closed.

Work Capability Assessments

If you’re State Pension age and have a health condition or disability, you will not need a Work Capability Assessmentwhen you move to Universal Credit.


Universal Credit Migration Notice helpline

Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm

Phone: 0800 169 0328

Video relay servicefor British Sign Language (BSL) users. Watch the video to find out how touse the Video relay service on mobile or tablet

0800 phone numbers are free to call from mobiles and landlines.

If you cannot speak or hear on the phone

You can use ourRelay UKservice to make a free, text-supported call to the Universal Credit Migration Noticed Helpline. Dial 18001 followed by 0800 169 0328.

Other financial help and support

If you get Universal Credit, you could be eligible for other benefits or financial support. You should check what you can get.

You might be able to get different support in Scotland.

If you’re in financial difficulties, you can get help and advice from the government, local councils, and other organisations, such asadvicelocal.uk.

Universal Credit if you're State Pension age and get a Migration Notice letter (2024)


Universal Credit if you're State Pension age and get a Migration Notice letter? ›

If you're State Pension age and get a Migration Notice letter, you can claim Universal Credit even if: you're still working. you've renewed your tax credits. you have money, savings and investments of more than £16,000.

How long does transitional protection last on Universal Credit? ›

There is no actual time limit to how long a transitional element can be included with a universal credit award but it does reduce, or erode, over time as other elements are added to the universal credit award because of changes in circ*mstances (apart from the childcare element) or as the other elements increase in ...

Can an immigrant get Universal Credit? ›

You can get UC if you're habitually resident and have right of abode.

What is natural migration for Universal Credit? ›

Moving to UC in any of the above situations is referred to as 'voluntary migration' or 'natural migration' and is characterised by the tax credit claimant taking some action (either by choice or due to a change of circ*mstances requiring it) to move to UC at a time that they choose.

Do I have to move from ESA to Universal Credit? ›

Moving from ESA to UC

This is a process called “managed migration”. However, in the meantime, if your circ*mstances change in a way which would previously have resulted in you making a new claim for one of the legacy benefits that UC replaces, then you will need to claim UC instead.

What is a Universal Credit migration notice? ›

Universal Credit is for State Pension age people who are working. You can claim Universal Credit if you're working and receiving tax credits. If you're State Pension age and get a Migration Notice letter, you can claim Universal Credit even if: you're still working. you've renewed your tax credits.

Are Universal Credit sanctions permanent? ›

You will be sanctioned for 91 days for your first higher level sanction in any 365 day period and 182 days for every other higher level sanction. There are special rules for how long your sanction will last if it is for leaving work or failing to take up a job offer before you claimed Universal Credit.

How to prove habitual residence? ›

Passing the habitual residence test. If you arrived in the UK less than 2 years ago and apply for help with housing, you'll usually need to show: your main home is in the UK, Ireland, Channel Islands or Isle of Man. you plan to stay - this is known as being 'habitually resident'

Does Universal Credit know if I leave the country? ›

There are multiple ways the DWP can check if you're in the country, we won't be revealing all of them here for obvious reasons but it can be as simple as calling you and them noticing a foreign dialling tone or you logging into your Universal Credit journal from abroad.

Can Universal Credit check my savings account? ›

DWP investigators do have the power to gather various types of evidence against those they suspect may be acting fraudulently. This may include looking into financial data, such as bank statements or savings accounts.

Who will not be migrated to Universal Credit? ›

If you get tax credits

You will not be eligible for Universal Credit if you still have more than £16,000 in money, savings and investments. If you apply after the deadline date and have money, savings and investments of more than £16,000 you will not be able to claim Universal Credit.

Can you still get Universal Credit if you move abroad? ›

If a close relative dies while you're abroad and it would not be reasonable for you to come back to the UK, you can get Universal Credit for one more month. You cannot get Universal Credit if you're moving abroad permanently. You cannot apply for Universal Credit if you're already abroad.

How much savings can I have on Universal Credit? ›

Check if your income or savings affects your payments. You'll get less Universal Credit if you get money from work or other places, or if you have more than £6,000 in savings or other investments - called 'capital'. If you have a partner you live with, their income and capital will also affect your payments.

How long does it take for Universal Credit to be approved? ›

Without an advance payment you usually won't get any money until at least 5 weeks after you apply for Universal Credit. You should ask for an advance payment if you don't think you'll have enough money to live on between when you apply and when you get your first payment.

Who is eligible for transitional protection? ›

You may be eligible to receive transitional protection if you move to Universal Credit in a 'managed migration'. This means the DWP would send you a 'migration notice' letter. Your new income would not go down when you start your new claim for Universal Credit.

What are the new changes to Universal Credit? ›

The number of hours that someone earning the minimum wage must work to be able to claim Universal Credit has risen from 15 to 18 hours a week. People who earn more than the minimum wage can work fewer hours, as long as their total earnings meet the Administrative Earnings Threshold (AET).

What changes end transitional protection? ›

If you're getting Universal Credit transitional protection, some changes may reduce or stop the transitional element until: Your Universal Credit award increases to reach the same amount you were receiving from the benefits it replaced, or. Your Universal Credit entitlement decreases to nothing, or.

How long does payment protection last? ›

Income protection won't pay out when you pass away, but that's what life insurance is for. Most commonly, income protection lasts until you're well enough to return to work and continue earning your normal wage. This could be after two years, or even longer.

What is classed as a significant change on UC? ›

your rent goes up or down - this can change how much Universal Credit you're paid for housing. you move home. someone moves out of your home. someone moves into your home - for example if they rent a room.

Why has my UC gone down? ›

Reduced payments

Your universal credit payment may go down because the DWP takes money to repay something, for example a: hardship payment. benefit overpayment. advance or budgeting advance.

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Name: Domingo Moore

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Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.