Welcome to the Star Hunter Society, a thread for discussing the various types of cooperative action games also know as Hunting Action. From Phantasy Star to Monster Hunter; if you team up to take something down, we discuss it here.
- Monster Hunter: World
- Monster Hunter XX
- God Eater 3
- God Eater: Resonant Ops
- Final Fantasy Awakening
- Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet
- Final Fantasy Explorers-Force
- Code Vein
- Dauntless
- Kou-Kyou-Sei Million Arthur
Games in italics are not localized
Games in purple are not out yet.
Before you make an argument on how game X isn't a hunting action game:
The current scope of Hunting Action game being used for this thread is any small scale action games or action RPG's with a mission based structure, party based co-op limited in scope in a dungeon type location that is heavily instanced, action based combat, a focus on gathering weapons, material, or skills, and character customization of some sort.
- Phantasy Star Online (Dreamcast)
- Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II (Gamecube, Xbox)
- Phantasy Star Online Episode IV: Blue Burst (PC)
- Phantasy Star Online Episode 0 (DS)
- Phantasy Star Online 2 (PC, Vita, PS4, Switch)
- Phantasy Star Online 2 Episode 1
- Phantasy Star Online 2 Episode 2
- Phantasy Star Online 2 Episode 3
- Phantasy Star Online 2 Episode 4
- Phantasy Star Online 2 Episode 5
- Phantasy Star Online 2 es (iOS, Android)
- Phantasy Star Nova (Vita)
Likely the first game in the hunting action genre, PSO was a departure from the turn based affairs of Phantasy Star I-IV. In doing so, it set the framework for every later game in the genre including real-time hack and slash combat, mission based gameplay, four player coop, and class based customizable characters. The latest game was Phantasy Star Online 2, released on PC and Vita in Japan, and
will never leave Japan. There was also Phantasy Star Online Episode III: C.A.R.D. Revolution on Gamecube exclusively. Unlike other games in the franchise, it replaced action combat with card based battles.
PSO styled Star Hunters have a focus on RPG mechanics. You can typically level up to make the games easier.
- Monster Hunter (PS2)
- Monster Hunter G (PS2)
- Monster Hunter Freedom (PSP)
- Monster Hunter 2 (PS2)
- Monster Hunter Freedom 2 (PSP)
- Monster Hunter Freedom Unite (PSP, iOS)
- Monster Hunter Tri (Wii)
- Monster Hunter Portable 3rd (PSP, PS3)
- Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (3DS, Wii U)
- Monster Hunter 4 (3DS)
- Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate (3DS)
- Monster Hunter Generations/Monster Hunter X (3DS)
- Monster Hunter Stories (3DS)
- Monster Hunter XX (NSW)
- Monster Hunter: World (PS4, XBO)
If Phantasy Star Online introduced the genre, Monster Hunter refined and popularized it. Taking a step back from the RPG trappings of PSO, Monster Hunter is more about the players skill than their ability to gain levels. Another major change is the crafting system: instead of randomly getting weapons from felled foes, you instead get materials and make the weapons (and armor!) yourself. Monster Hunter has been a massive success, almost single handedly saving the PSP. The next games will be Stories in Japan and the Western release of X.
MH style Star Hunters have a focus on crafting armor and/or weapons in opposed to leveling up.
- Phantasy Star Universe (PC, PS2, 360)
- Phantasy Star Universe: Ambition of the Illuminus (PC, PS2, 360)
- Phantasy Star Portable (PSP)
- Phantasy Star Portable 2 (PSP)
- Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity (PSP)
Around the start of the last console generation, Sega decided to return Phantasy Star back to its single player RPG roots. Unfortunately, it was completely godawful. Fortunately, they were smart enough to leave in a robust multiplayer, not quite a good as PSO but manageable. Once the series moved to the PSP the series really hit its stride, culminating in Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity, which features one of the most robust character creation and customization I've ever seen in a game.The series has been dead for a while, with the last release being PSP2 Infinity in 2011.
- God Eater (PSP)
- God Eater Burst (PSP)
- God Eater Online (mobile)
- God Eater 2 (PSP, Vita)
- God Eater 2: Rage Burst (Vita, PS4, PC)
- God Eater Resurrection (Vita, PS4, PC)
- God Eater 3
- God Eater: Resonant Ops (mobile)
With any success breeds imitators and Monster Hunter was no exception. Bandai Namco threw their hat in the ring with God Eater. God Eater has a more anime aesthetic than most other hunting action games (enough that there's an anime coming soon) and eschews multiple weapons for one that you customize in a modular fashion. GE also has much more of a focus on guns than more hunting action type. A modest success, the latest release is God Eater 2: Rage Burst. A third game has been announced for unknown platforms, with a mobile game coming as well.
- Lord of Arcana (PSP)
- Lord of Apocalypse (PSP, Vita)
Interestingly, Lord of Arcana and Lord of Apocalypse are spin offs of Square Enix's Lord of Vermilion arcade Trading Card Game. Being as it's from the makers of the famed Final Fantasy roleplaying games, the Lord of series has a focus on cinematic (read as God of War styled) kills and summons. The first game was somewhat bare boned in its approach and the international sales somewhat reflect this, which could be the reason that the sequel hasn't made it out of Japan even though it was released in 2011.
- Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce (PSP, PS3, 360)
- Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce 2 (PSP)
Tecmo Koei took their long running Warriors series and put it in the frame of a Monster Hunter style game. It's fun enough, but much more playable on console than handheld. The most interesting part of Strikeforce was that in the gap between the release of the console version and the portable version, Koei and Tecmo merged, meaning that the PS3 version got the addition of Ninja Gaiden characters to give missions. Other than that, it's a standard affair. Seeing as Omega Force is currently working on another hunting action series, I think it's safe to say this series is pretty dead.
- Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles (Gamecube)
- Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates (DS)
- Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time (DS, Wii)
The second (of a number of) Square's Hunting Action styled games, FFCC on Gamecube was more of a gimmick to settle Nintendo peripherals than a genuine game. Don't get me wrong, Crystal Chronicles is one of my favorite franchises, but who would have four Game Boy Advances and link cables so you play multiplayer? But I digress. The Crystal Chronicles series is one of the more story based ones on this list, and considering that it's been over four year since the last entry and there is an upcoming game that looks to very much be a spiritual successor, this franchise is dead as well. Interestingly enough, there are actually three more games in the Crystal Chronicle series: My Life as a King is a town building simulation, My Life as a Darklord is a tower defense game, and The Crystal Bearers is an action RPG unfortunately without multiplayer.
- Final Fantasy Type-0 (PSP)
- Final Fantasy Agito (Mobile)
- Final Fantasy Awakening (Mobile, PC)
This is by a degree of magnitude the most story heavy game on this list and in my personal opinion, by far the best title on the list. Being Final Fantasy, there is a much heavier focus on magic and improbable weapons and the multiplayer isn't quite as strong. While vanilla Type-0 doesn't have anything in the form of character creation, Agito on mobile is much better than it should be (with a character creator to boot),
LOLNO. CANCELLED. Now we are getting a MMO.
Sadly, Final Fantasy Type-0 HD strips out all multiplayer components.
- Freedom Wars (Vita)
Freedom Wars plays sort of like the Attack on Titan game that you always wanted, but with a focus on guns instead of melee combat. Unlike most games on this list, up to eight people can play at once instead of the usual four. The game ends is a pretty massive cliffhanger and the plot suffers from Kingdom Hearts syndrome (all the story is loaded into the end), taking a massive left turn for no apparent reason.
Essentially, it's the most anime game on this list. Hopefully a sequel is forthcoming on PS4/Vita.
- Toukiden: The Age of Demons (PSP, Vita)
- Toukiden Kiwami (PSP, Vita, PC, PS4)
- Toukiden 2 (PS3, PS4, Vita, PC)
Toukiden exists because Monster Hunter is on Nintendo. That's not hyperbole, the devs said they released it on Vita and PSP because Capcom moved to the 3DS (this game is also the reason that Strikeforce is dead). As such, it perhaps the most shamelessly Monster Huntery game on this list. Not that it's a bad thing. I personally like it more than Monster Hunter, but a good deal of that is due to it being significantly faster than MH and that the Vita is easier to play games on than the 3DS. If you like hunting action and lack a 3DS, Toukiden is the next best thing. Kiwami, an expanded edition, came out on PS4/Vita/PC and a sequel released in 2017.
- Soul Sacrifice (Vita)
- Soul Sacrifice Delta (Vita)
Soul Sacrifice is another bridge across the gap that Monster Hunter left. Trying to explain all the systems in this brief a space is beyond me, so please visit the OT for it. That being said, it's one of the more story focused of the Hunting Action games. In fact, you can't even play the story mode with others; multiplayer is restricted to Avalon Quests, a side story to the main game. The most recent release was the Delta expanded game. No news on any sequels.
- Ragnarok Odyssey (Vita)
- Ragnarok Odyssey Ace (Vita, PS3)
The third game on this list that almost entirely owes its existence to Capcom moving to the 3DS, Ragnarok Odyssey is an adaptation of the Ragnarok Online mmo franchise and is greatly informed by its sensibilities. As such, this is one of the only games that have a dedicated healing role, which makes sense as the game relies a lot on the Tank, DPS, Healer triangle found in many MMO's. The biggest slight against RO would have to the fact that it is incredibly easy. RO would be a pretty good test to see if the genre is one you can enjoy.
- Sword Art Online: Infinity Moment (PSP)
- Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment (Vita)
- Sword Art Online: Lost Song (Vita, PS3)
- Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization (PS4, Vita)
- Sword Art Online: Re: Hollow Fragment (PS4)
- Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet (PS4, XBO, PC)
A bit different from the other games, Sword Art Online is like Soul Sacrifice in that you can only play side stories in co-op. The series is a what-if scenario for the main series and has players completing the floors that weren't covered in the anime. While it's an interesting concept, the execution is lacking. Because you start out at level 100 with a long of money, you get an artificial sense of being powerful. At least, right up until you get your ass handed to you by a mob of significantly weaker enemies. There are also a lot of trash quests (just like in MMO's) and the gameplay is somewhat mindless. Couple that with the worst translation I've seen in ages and I can see why anyone would skip it. That being said, there is depth to the series and the thrill of unlocking (and there is a lot of unlocking) is pretty phenom. The entirety of the first game is included in the second so if you are a fan of SAO, I would suggest it.
Games in the franchise
- Final Fantasy Explorers (3DS)
- Final Fantasy Explorers-Force (mobile)
FFE is pretty much a Star Hunter filtered through Final Fantasy. There is a class system with multiple jobs to select from including: Knight, Monk, White Mage, Black Mage, Dragoon, Paladin, Thief, Ninja, Red Mage, Time Mage, Bard, Hunter, Dark Knight. Beastmaster, Geomancer, and Machinist. Blue Mage and Samurai were added as DLC later. The most interesting part of FFE is the ability to take the form of classic Final Fantasy characters via trance. The Trance characters are:
- Aerith
- Bartz
- Cecil
- Cloud
- Lightning
- Squall
- Terra
- Tidus
- Tifa
- Vaan
- Yuna
Square Enix intends to make this into a series, with a mobile game coming.
Games in the franchise
- Vindictus (PC)
- Mabinogi: Heroes - eXtreme Edition (PC)
When is an MMO not an MMO? When it's a Hunting Action game instead. Vindictus is shockingly a prequel to the super casual, almost combat free Mabinogi and is a free to play action MMO style heavily with hunting action conceits. The game is nigh unplayable with a keyboard and mouse, so I strongly suggest picking up a gamepad to play it with. Best part? It's completely free. The game does suffer from a lack of customization options (you have a set of characters that you can pick from and your levels won't carry over), but it makes up for it with the best combat engine in any MMO, FFXIV and PSO2 included. No word on if the eXtreme Edition will be coming, but it's doubtful.
Games in the franchise
- Code Vein (PC, PS4, XBO)
Code Vein is set in a post-apocalyptic dystopia with vampire themes, including "gifts" from the consumption of blood, and other supernatural abilities. The game was announced in April 2017, and is expected to be released in 2018.
Games in the franchise
- Destiny (PS3, PS4, 360, XBO)
- Destiny 2 (PS4, XBO, PC)
Destiny is an odd inclusion, but the core of star hunting remains. "The only thing that makes it stand out is that when using guns the game is in First Person, only going Third Person when wielding swords and artifacts (and most melee type abilities except for the basic 'punching' which is still in First Person), driving/riding vehicles/mounts and while at the social hub."
(thanks Ichimoto)
Games in the franchise
- Dauntless (PC only, for now)
Dauntless is an upcoming 2018 Star Hunter that takes place in a fantasy setting, where a cataclysmic event has torn the world apart, releasing dinosaur-like Behemoths that prey on the surviving humans. Players take on the role of Slayers to take down Behemoths, collecting loot that they used to craft and upgrade weapons and equipment as to take down larger and more powerful Behemoths. While hunting, the game plays as a third-person action game; the player uses a combo system to attack the creature, while monitoring their own health and stamina gauge. Such hunts can take upwards of twenty minutes of in-game time to complete.
Games in the franchise
- Dragon Ball Xenoverse (PS3, PS4, 360, XBO, PC)
- Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 (PS4, XBO, PC)
- Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 for Nintendo Switch (NSW)
- Untitled Dragon Ball Xenoverse Sequel
While Dragon Ball Xenoverse is branded as a fighting game with RPG mechanics, the core of the gameplay loop is all Star Hunter. The main press of game is co-op focused Parallel Quests, which is where the various skills, equipment, clothing, and everything else is dropped. That being said, the game is kind of a nightmare if you want to actually play with something other than random players. Or if you want to communicate with your fellow players.
Star Hunter Adjacents
These games are not at their core Star Hunters, but they do have a mode that is a Star Hunter.
- Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker (PSP)
- Final Fantasy XV: Comrades (PC, XBO, PS4)
- Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days (DS)
- Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep (PSP)
- White Knight Chronicles (PS3)
- White Knight Chronicles II (PS3)
- White Knight Chronicles: Origin (PSP)
- Lost Planet 2 (PC, PS3, 360)
Honorable Mentions
(if someone makes a good argument for inclusion, I'll move it)
These games are similar to the previous games, but lack in one way or another. Perhaps they are open world. Perhaps they eschew action combat. These are games that are close, but not quite Star Hunters.
- Earth Defense Force [series]
- Borderlands [series]
- Mercenary Kings (PC, PS4, Vita)
- Frontier Gate (PSP)
- Nano Diver (PSP)
- Exorsister (PSP) This game is awful but it cost next to nothing too. Cheap but fanservicey. It's the people who made Oneechanbara...
- E.X. Troopers (3DS, PS3)
- Kaiju Busters (DS)
- Toriko: Gourmet Survival [series]
- Gundam Breaker [series]
- Helldivers (PS3, PS4, PC, Vita)
- Xenoblade Chronicles X (Wii U)
- Grand Theft Auto Online
A typical Star Hunter bears similarity to Musou/Warriors games and Senran Kagura. The main difference is the fact that neither of them are built for online/local co-op mission based gameplay.
PS. Let's fight monsters, not each other.
ResetEra Community List
Phantasy Star Online 2 Import |OT| Finally the Vita can play with the Switch
Dauntless |OT| XX Gon' Give It To Ya
Destiny 2 |OT| Guardians Make Their Own Fate
Monster Hunter: World |OT| Fantastic Beasts and Where to Hunt Them