Phantasy Star II/Skure (2025)

  • Phantasy Star II
  • Table of Contents
  • Gameplay
  • Walkthrough

Table of Contents


  • Interface
  • Characters


  1. Shure
  2. Nido Tower
  3. Biosystems Lab
  4. Roron
  5. Uzo Island
  6. Climatrol
  7. Control Tower
  8. Red Dam
  9. Yellow Dam
  10. Blue Dam
  11. Green Dam
  12. Gaira Satellite
  13. Skure
  14. Towns of Dezo
  15. Crevice
  16. Menobe
  17. Guaron
  18. Ikuto
  19. Naval
  20. Noah


  • Achievements
  • Biohazards
  • Items
  • Techniques

Upon taking off from the roof of the Central Tower in Paseo, you fly through space, only to land on the frozen planet of Dezo (also known as Dezoris). However, you don't land in, or near, any of the three towns on Dezo. Rather, you land in the middle of Skure, which is a space port built in the middle of Dezo over a gigantic canyon.

Skure is like another dungeon. It's maze like, with three levels, and various stairs that take up and down throughout the port. In order to reach the surface of Dezo, you need to navigate the pathways until you find one of the stairs on the first basement which can send you to one of four sectioned-off regions of Dezo.

But Skure isn't just about finding your way across the planet. It also contains a number of items for you to find, some of which are vital to your success when it comes to dealing with the native Dezorians. While investigating Skure, you may also come across some cats who have taken up residence in the port. They may have some interesting information to provide if you find a way to communicate with them as well.


  • 1 Skure
    • 1.1 Floor 1
    • 1.2 Basement 1
    • 1.3 Basement 2

Skure[edit | edit source]

After fighting robots exclusively for some time now, you will either welcome or curse the return of biological enemies in the form of Dezo's local fauna. By the time you reach Skure, these enemies will be quite challenging until you make it to one of the towns and load up on better defensive equipment.

Floor 1[edit | edit source]

There isn't much to the top floor of Skure. Your ship will land on the giant platform near the middle. If you ever want to return to Paseo on Mota, you can interact with the ship and choose to fly home. If you cast Ryuka or use a Telepipe before you save in any town, you'll return to the ship. When you make it to a town, you'll have the option to teleport to Skure at any time. In order to get anywhere, you'll need to investigate the three stair wells that lead to the basement level below.

Basement 1[edit | edit source]

1Magic CapRolf
Defense +2
28600 Meseta
3GardabootsRolf Rudo Hugh Kain
Defense +15, Agility +8
66400 Meseta
712,000 Meseta

While there are nine treasure chests to discover on this level, four of them contain newspaper articles, meaning they don't provide you with any material good, but rather a small bit of information that may or may not be relevant to your mission. Another three chests provide you will good amounts of Meseta, which you should already be in abundant supply of after clearing out the four dams.

That leaves two chests that contain items that you can collect. One contains the Gardaboots (the Guardian Boots), which is the strongest footwear for any male member of your party. The other contains the Magic Cap. As you can see, it barely provides any defense for Rolf's head, but it has a purpose. You will come across cats as you investigate Skure. If you speak with them while wearing the Magic Cap, you can understand what they are trying to tell you.

There are four special staircases which lead to the surface of Dezo. On the map above, they are marked in green with the letters N, E, S, and W for north, east, south and west respectively. Taking one of these stair will lead you to one of four regions on the surface of Dezo. Three possess towns, while the fourth (to the west) is nothing but wilderness. You should seek out these towns as quickly as possible, but you may want to find one more item in the lower basement of Skure before you visit anywhere.

Basement 2[edit | edit source]

25600 Meseta
4Mogic CapRolf
Defense +2
6Magic CapRolf
Defense +2
77800 Meseta
Defense +80
915,000 Meseta
1018,000 Meseta

The second basement level of Skure serves to connect the various sections of isolated pathways on the first level. The monsters are a little stronger down here, so don't stay longer than you need to. And as expected, there are more treasure chests to find down here. Three contain more newspaper articles, and another four contain large sums of Mesta.

Of the three remaining chests, one contains yet another Magic Cap, like the one you may have found on the floor above. Another contains the Mogic Cap, a cap whose name may seem like a typo, and with a defense stat that does little to distinguish it from its correctly spelled alternative. But it will have an important use very soon, so hang on to it. Lastly, one chest contains the Laconchest, which is honestly the best armor than Rolf can don for the remainder of the game. Pick this one up to save yourself some money when you begin to go shopping again.

Go to top

  • Gaira Satellite
  • Skure
  • Towns of Dezo

Table of Contents


  • Interface
  • Characters


  1. Shure
  2. Nido Tower
  3. Biosystems Lab
  4. Roron
  5. Uzo Island
  6. Climatrol
  7. Control Tower
  8. Red Dam
  9. Yellow Dam
  10. Blue Dam
  11. Green Dam
  12. Gaira Satellite
  13. Skure
  14. Towns of Dezo
  15. Crevice
  16. Menobe
  17. Guaron
  18. Ikuto
  19. Naval
  20. Noah


  • Achievements
  • Biohazards
  • Items
  • Techniques
Phantasy Star II/Skure (2025)
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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Author information

Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.