Crafting & Gathering Guide (2024)

This Guide will be going over the mechanics of crafting and gathering in Villagers and Heroes

Table of Contents

  • Post 1: Gathering
    • Gathering Skills
    • Nodes & Materials
    • Node Exhaustion & Depletion
    • Plentiful Nodes
    • Gathering Nodes List
    • Gathering Tools
    • Bountiful Gathering
    • Gathering Supplies
    • The Circle of Life
    • COG Vendor
    • Gathering Stats
    • Gathering Boosts
  • Post 2: Crafting
    • Crafting Skills
    • Crafting Tools
    • Recipe Book
    • Stations List
    • Master Crafting
    • Charter Vendor
    • Crafting Stats
    • Crafting Boosts

Gathering Skills

Gathering is the action of collecting raw materials from around the world by interacting with Gathering Nodes. There are 4 different gathering professions, each aligned with its own crafting skill. Even though there is a direct correlation between a specific gathering and crafting skill, some crafting recipes require ingredients from a variety of different professions. Thus, it is often recommended to raise all skills in tandem but it is not a necessity if you plan to engage in the market and trade with other crafters.

Below are the gathering lines and their corresponding crafting professions.

  • Mining: Smithing
  • Bug Lore: Tailoring
  • Plant Lore: Woodcrafting
  • Fishing: Cooking

As you collect materials via gathering, you will earn experience. The amount of experience you earn per material is constant across all levels. For example, you will gain the same amount of experience per mineral as a level 90 miner gathering at a level 1 ore node than as a level 1 miner gathering at a level 1 ore node. You can increase the amount of experience and quantity of items gained through various boosts which we will explore later on.

As you gain experience in a particular gathering skill, it will begin to level up. This allows you to gather from higher level nodes or into a new material bracket, opening up additional possibilities for your crafting endeavors. Your respective gathering skill must be within 2 levels of the node you are attempting to gather from, otherwise you will suffer from a penalty which reduces your chance of collecting materials severely.

Nodes & Materials

As you explore the world you will come across "nodes". Clicking on them will begin a 1 minute latch gathering animation where your character begins to collect materials. Materials will drop on the ground around you, but fear not, they will automatically be transferred to your inventory (so long as slots are open) so you don't need to manually click on every item. Moving away from the Node will cause your character to exit the gathering animation.

To view the nodes in your current zone, open up the local map and hover over the icons for a tooltip containing the node's level and material type. You will generally find gathering nodes in safe-zones or specific gathering hubs, but you can also locate them throughout the wilderness!

Each gathering profession has its own set of node types used to acquire different materials:

  • Mining: Ore
  • Fishing: Oily Fish, Meaty Fish
  • Bug Lore: Silkworms, Beetles
  • Plant Lore: Wood, Mushroom, Fruit

Each of these types consist of many different materials! A few examples:

  • Silver and Iron are both a subset of Ores which you can Mine.
  • Saltwater Tuna and Tiger Eel are both a subset of Meaty Fish and Oily Fish respectively which you can Fish.
  • Pine and Apples are both a subset of Wood and Fruit respectively which you can Harvest.

Different materials are also used for different purposes

Ore: Used to create ingots for various smithing recipes such as armor, weapons and components
Oily Fish: Used to create oil for various cooking recipes such as potions and consumables
Meaty Fish: Used as ingredients for various cooking recipes such as potions and consumables
Silkworms: Used to create cloth for various tailoring related recipes such as armor and components
Beetles: Used as ingredients for various cooking recipes such as potions and consumables. Used as ranching feed
Wood: Used to create timber for various woodcrafting recipes such as weapons, components and accessories
Mushrooms: Used as ingredients for various cooking recipes such as potions and consumables. Used as ranching feed
Fruit: Used as ingredients for various cooking recipes such as potions and consumables. Used as ranching feed

Materials are divided by 15 level intervals. So for example, level 1 - 14 fruit nodes will always be Apples. Then, level 15 - 29 fruit nodes would always be Plums. This continues every 15 levels for every gathering skill.

As you gather from nodes, not only do you acquire materials, but you also have a chance to obtain Gems. These can be sold to vendors for a pretty penny. Gems also have levels which are associated with the Node bracket. Gems, unlike Materials, are split into intervals of 5 rather than 15. This means there are multiple levels of Gems within a single Node bracket. A level 1 Gem can drop from a level 1 - 5 Node and a level 6 Gem from a level 6 - 10 Node for example. Below are the 6 different Gem types sorted by ascending rarity.

Topaz - Opal - Sapphire - Ruby - Emerald - Diamond

Additionally, you will have a chance to collect Motes of Yorrick while gathering. These items can be used while crafting in order to mass-craft a large quantity of materials in one fell swoop. Your chance of finding a Mote of Yorrick is fairly low, but can be increased by consuming specific buffs. You will want to stock up on motes as they will be a major boon for crafting at higher levels.

If you're gathering in wild, you also have a chance to find Rare or Legendary gathers. These are consumable items that provide useful effects and buffs. These boosts can be combat or villager related, so make sure to keep them aside and use them for the best situations. Below is a breakdown of each:

Fleetrinda: Increases running and mounted speed while out of combat by 15% for X minutes
  • Rare
  • Plant Lore
Gralla Seed: Increases masteries by X for 10 minutes
  • Legendary
  • Plant Lore
Luckineum:Gain 5x loot off of a successful kill. (Does not work against bosses). Contains X charges
  • Rare
  • Mining
Shale: Armor and Magic Resist are boosted by X for 10 minutes
  • Legendary
  • Mining
Gobazolla:Experience gained from combat, gathering and crafting is increased by 30% for X minutes
  • Rare
  • Fishing
Xinzen Carp:Contains elixirs to boost swimming speed as well as X COG coins
  • Legendary
  • Fishing
Arachnamasser:Gather 8x the amount of materials. Contains X charges
  • Rare
  • Bug Lore
Scronyx: Instantly restores you to full mana. Increases intellect, clarity and will by X for 10 minutes
  • Legendary
  • Bug Lore

If you're gathering in a village, you have a chance to obtain Cornucopias. These can be used to increase your chance to find motes. If you're gathering in a Village you cannot find Rare or Legendary gathers just as you cannot acquire Cornucopias if you gather in the wild.

The following is the benefit your character will receive upon consuming a Cornucopia:

  • The next time you have a 100% increased chance to find a Mote of Yorick.
  • The effect expires after a total of 5 gathers.

This will effectively guarantee that you will obtain a minimum of 5 Motes of Yorrick during your next 5 gathers. Now, if your base chance is around 30% prior to using the Cornucopia, then it will be increased to 130% after consuming one. This means you have a chance to obtain multiple Motes of Yorrick per gather.

You can also upgrade Cornucopias using recipes acquired from the Charter Token vendor who we will explore in more depth later. These upgrades will use regular Cornucopias as the main ingredient and produce a higher quality version with additional charges! This is a great way to combine a large quantity of Cornucopias into a smaller set of consumables with extra charges so you don't have to rebuff every 5 gathers. These items are not soulbound so you can locate another player with the recipe who is willing to provide the service of upgrading your Corns. It's recommended to save up for the Overflowing Recipe as it provides the most benefit.

Here is a quick breakdown of the recipes:

Generous Cornucopia
  • Cost: 22,500 charter tokens
  • Ingredients: 5 Cornucopias (25 charges)
  • Charges: 27 charges
Plenteous Cornucopia
  • Cost: 45,000 charter tokens
  • Ingredients: 10 Cornucopias (50 charges)
  • Charges: 55
Robust Cornucopia
  • Cost: 67,500 charter tokens
  • Ingredients: 20 Cornucopias (100 charges)
  • Charges: 112
Overflowing Cornucopia
  • Cost: 90,000 charter tokens
  • Ingredients: 30 Cornucopias (150 charges)
  • Charges: 170

Finally, all nodes will drop repair globules occasionally. These must be selected manually by the player! They will repair whichever gather tool is currently in use by a specific amount, depending upon the rarity of the globule. There are different rarities for these as well, each restoring a greater percentage of your tool's durability.

  • Green: 10%
  • Blue: 20%
  • Purple: 35%

Make sure to keep an eye out for these or you will have to visit a vendor often to repair your tools.

Node Exhaustion & Depletion

As you gather from a node you will begin to deplete its resources over time. This is not based on the quantity of items you've gathered, but rather the amount of latch gathering sessions you have begun. Note, that a new session begins every-time you start gathering at a node, regardless of whether or not you completed the 1-minute latch gathering animation. So if you're attacked and interrupted from gathering 5 seconds into the animation, it will still count as a full session.

A node becomes exhausted once a player has performed between 11 to 18 of these gathering cycles. If the player was uninterrupted, this would equate to 11 to 18 minutes of gathering from that specific node. Once exhausted, a node will become greyed out, and a label will appear above it, indicating that it is empty. Attempting to gather from an exhausted node will result in an error message. Nodes will automatically replenish themselves after 21 to 30 minutes, so once you have exhausted a node, simply move on to another nearby one for the time-being.

If you continue to click on an exhausted node, your character will be sent back to the character select screen. If this occurs 5 more times, your character will be banned for an hour. This is to prevent botting.

Node exhaustion works on a player by player basis. Thus, if someone else on the server has exhausted a node, it is not exhausted for any other players on the server. It is only exhausted for that individual player.

Village node exhaustion works a bit differently. Village nodes can be replenished instantly simply by heading over to the gathering bin and interacting with them. Keep in mind the distinction between village node exhaustion and village node depletion. Exhaustion is the mechanic we've been describing thus far. Depletion on the other hand is when the village node (which must be stocked with materials) physically runs out of materials and must be manually restocked with items from the wild again.

Plentiful Nodes
As you explore the wild, you may come across a glowing node. These are known as plentiful nodes and can appear randomly around the world.

These appear for all players on the server, so if you spot one, others can see it as well. Nodes that become plentiful, will remain in that state until a player gathers from them. Once a player has started gathering from a plentiful node, then the node will revert back to a regular gathering node in 1 minute 50 seconds to 4 minutes 50 seconds duration. So, make use of that time and gather from them! Plentiful nodes appear on a per node basis, so it is a random chance for each individual node. If you have exhausted a node, and it becomes plentiful, it will automatically replenish the node for you as well. Your best chances are to visit zones off the beaten path, you may come across an entire section of plentifuls no one has found!

Gathering from plentiful nodes provide the following perks:

  • 30% extra base experience
  • 20% bonus materials
  • 3x chance for lucky gems to drop, with higher rarities having increased chances
  • 5x chance for rare and legendary gathers to drop

Note that plentiful nodes only appear in the wild and not in villages. So explore the world!

Gathering Nodes List

Link to the Google Doc!

Gathering Tools

Each gathering skill is tied to a particular gathering tool:

  • Mining: Pick-Axe
  • Plant Lore: Sickle
  • Bug Lore: Magnifying Glass
  • Fishing: Fishing Rod

As you gather from nodes, your current tool will begin to deteriorate. Their condition will drop by a set amount each time a material pops out. The impact on your tool's condition will vary based on the type of supply you are currently using. Premium supplies result in the least amount of deterioration while common supplies have the largest impact.

As tools deteriorate, they will suffer from a duration penalty. This can be viewed by hovering over the tool itself. This penalty begins once the tool's condition falls below 10% and will get progressively worse until the tool breaks. Once that occurs, the player cannot continue gathering from that resource type until they repair the tool.

Tools can be repaired bit by bit by manually clicking on repair globules as mentioned previously. Alternatively, the player must visit a vendor and head to the repair tab in order to fully replenish their tools. Premium items such as bottled repair globules or event zone consumables may also provide an effect which instantly repairs all tools, free of cost.

Tools can be replaced by higher level variants by purchasing them from a tool vendor. These are located in various cities such as Ardent. Higher level tools also enable bountiful gathering up to a specific node level, which we will cover later on. These tools can be expensive however, so consider buying a new set of tools every 15ish levels to coincide with the new material bracket. Otherwise the cost may out-weight their limited usefulness. They are tradeable as well, even after using them - so try and find some higher levels and purchase their old tools at a discount.

Players can also elect to buy premium tools from the item shop. These are more durable and provide perks such as greater gathering speed and experience gain.

Bountiful Gathering

Bountiful Gathering is a powerful feature which enables you to collect a greater quantity of materials if you meet certain requirements. There are two aspects to the system:

First, when a player gathers at a higher level node of a particular material, the amount of materials dropped will increase.

Example: Tin - a level 15 item - will drop in greater amounts if gathered at a level 29 tin node than at level 15 - 28 nodes. This is because level 29 is the highest possible node level for tin. An easy formula to use when figuring out the optimal gathering node level of a particular material is to simply do: Material Level + 14 = Optimal Node Level

This applies to every type of material. The lowest level nodes of that material will produce less output compared to the higher level nodes.

However, there are requirements that your player must meet in order to receive these benefits:

  1. Your Gathering Skill level must be high enough to gather from the node itself
  2. Your tool level must be high enough such that its rune will apply to the node level

Bountiful Gathering in the Village: While gathering in the village, players automatically gain bountiful gathering bonuses based on their skill levels. Meaning, the nodes will provide the highest possible bountiful gathering output it can, based on your skill level.

Strategy: I strategy I like to employ to take advantage of this bonus is to only gather at the highest level nodes of any particular material. For example, I will gather level 15 items at level 29 nodes until my gathering reaches level 44. Then, I'll switch to the level 30 materials and gather those at the level 44 nodes straight away. That way, I always have max bountiful gathering running. Since the base EXP of materials is not dependent upon the material level, you will not miss out on any EXP by gathering lower level materials.

Gathering Supplies

There is yet another major component that players into gathering, and those are Supplies. These are consumable items that provide special advantages each time your character gathers. As you are gathering, you will see whether you are currently using any of your equipped supplies. This will appear as a bar above your feat bar. If you have a supply selected, then you will consume 1 of said supply each time a set of materials pops out of the node.

Each of the 4 gathering skills has their own type of supply:

  • Mining: Mining Oil
  • Fishing: Fishing Lures
  • Bug Lore: Bug Lures
  • Plant Lore: Whetstones

Each supply type is also broken up into 3 different rarity tiers, each providing greater benefits if used while gathering:

  • No Supplies
    • One gather per 5 seconds
    • 50% chance at finding materials
    • 100% chance at finding a few common supplies
  • Common Supplies
    • One gather per 3 seconds
    • 100% chance at finding materials
    • A small chance at finding a large batch of various supplies
  • Uncommon Supplies
    • One gather per 2 seconds
    • 100% chance at finding materials
    • A good chance at finding a large batch of various supplies
  • Rare Supplies
    • One gather per 1 second
    • 100% chance at finding materials
    • The best chance at finding a large batch of various supplies

You can view all of your equipped supplies in your skills page:

The Circle of Life

When you gather using supplies, you have a chance to collect additional supplies. Sometimes these will be supplies for the skill you are currently gathering with, however, they could also be supplies for the next gathering skill in the chain. Using higher rarity supplies increases the frequency and quality of the supplies you discover. Supplies will not drop as physical items, and instead will go straight to your supply hot-bar or inventory. Supplies drop in batches, so rather than acquiring 1 or 2 supplies per gather, you will instead find a large quantity of supplies every so often. The frequency varies depending upon specific gathering related stats.

Uncommon and Rare Supplies found in the wild are tradeable items. So you can exchange them with other players if you wish. Common supplies are soulbound.

This cycle is known as the circle of life, indicated by the arrows in the image above. Each gathering profession has a chance to drop supplies for the next profession in the rotation. Thus, if you gather in this cycle, you will continue to find supplies for your next rotation. This system does suffer from diminishing returns though, as each pass through the cycle your supply gains will not exceed nor equal the amount of supplies that were spent.

Thus, in order to continue gathering effectively, you must manage your supplies via the COG vendor and use boosts to raise your stats and thus your gathering output.

COG Vendor

The Coterie of Gatherers is a group of NPCs that will assist you with any of your gathering supply needs. There are a few different types of vendors to lookout for:

Quarter-Master: The Quarter-Master is an exchange NPC who will buy and sell supplies. Head to the Sell Tab to get rid of any unwanted supplies. In return, you will earn COG coins. These coins can be used to purchase supplies from the Grindstone, Nectar, Bait and Oil tab. It is important to note that any supply purchased from a COG vendor, regardless of rarity, is automatically soulbound. The Quarter-Master sells all rarity of supplies for each of the 4 gathering types. 2 COG coins per common, 4 per uncommon and 6 per rare. These work the same way as any supplies found in the wild, however, they do not stack with each other.

Supply Distributor: There are 3 types of supply distributors, one whom is available and easily accessible to the general public, and the other two which are unlocked in Villages by completing the COG depot project. These are still accessible by any player, even if they are not a citizen of that village. Supply distributors provide the player with a free crate of supplies every so often depending upon their rarity. When their next shipment is ready, an icon will appear above their heads. You can also speak with them to check when the next shipment will be available to collect.

  • Common shipments arrive daily
  • Uncommon shipments arrive every 2 days
  • Rare shipments arrive every 3 days

Gathering Stats

Open your character sheet and scroll down to the Secondary Stats section for a detailed overview of the various gathering stats. First, we'll go over the types of stats, and then there will be a section on how to raise them.

Starting off, you may wish to check your current experience rates by hovering over that field. This indicates how much extra experience you gain while performing certain activities. These will be adjusted as you use consumable boosts such as Pies. Next are your bountiful gathering stats. These will allow you to gather extra materials while gathering. Finally, check your prosperity - specifically the latter two stats. Supply Find is your chance to find a batch of supplies, while mote chance is your chance at obtaining Motes of Yorrick.

Finally, your Population and Enchantments section will provide a few more details as to where some of your experience and other bonuses are coming from:

Gathering Boosts

Rare & Legendary Gathers

These can be acquired rarely by gathering at wild gathering nodes with increased chances at Plentiful Nodes. We covered them in detail in an earlier section, but the following apply directly to the Villager side of the game:

  • Gobazolla
  • Xinzen Carp
  • Arachnamasser

Passive Effects & Enchantments

Villager Insight:

You gather one extra material per gather and craft half a second faster. This effect is automatically gained whenever you level up a crafting or gathering skill. If the effect is already active when this happens, then it will stack. The level of the skill that leveled up will result in a greater duration added. At lower levels it is easy to get 4+ hours worth of Villager Insight. Be careful not to waste it!

Bounty Power: Bounty Power charges are acquired by killing bounties within 5 levels of your combat level. Up to 75 charges can be stacked up. Each charge will increase the benefit incrementally. This boost will last for 26 hours, however, it can be refreshed back to full simply by defeating another appropriate bounty within that time-rame. Thus, it is possible to keep this boost running 24/7 once it has been built up simply by killing one appropriate bounty every 26 hours.

The minimum bonus for Bounty Power is: While gathering, your chance to find supplies is boosted by 0.1%. Additionally, when you do find supplies the quantity you find is increased by 0.2%.
The maximum bonus for Bounty Power is: While gathering, your chance to find supplies is boosted by 7.5%. Additionally, when you do find supplies the quantity you find is increased by 15%.

Active Consumables

Clockwork Harvesting:

Each time you gather you gain 10 materials instead of one. These charges stack, so you can consume multiple clockworks. Save these for plentiful nodes for maximum boosts. Use these with plenty of XP boosts active for the best effect. These can be obtained from the item shop or by completing gathering achievements.

Herbs: While gathering, your chance to find supplies and motes of yorrick are increased. This effect lasts for 20 minutes. Herbs can be acquired via gardening, and unlike other boosts, there are no level requirements to consume one. So purchase the highest level herbs (even if they're far above your level) and consume them for major perks.

Triad Potions: Grants the Boon of the Triad effect. This provides the following boosts:

  • Crafting Cost Reduction: Decreases the cost for recipes that cost currency
  • Supply Batch Boost: Increases the quantity of supplies found when you find supplies
  • Abundant Harvest: Increases your chance of harvesting multiple crops from a single spot
  • Bountiful Gathering: Increases chance to find extra materials while gathering
  • Supply Find Chance: Increases the chance to find supplies while gathering

These boosts vary with the level of the item. This item is acquired via crafting in the cooking profession. It requires 2 Oil, 2 Fruit and 1 Ham of a particular level to create, along with some silver. The duration of the boost is 30 minutes.

Cornucopias: Increases your chance to find a Mote of Yorrick by 100%. Contains 5 charges. These are found rarely while gathering in the Village. They can also be combined into more powerful variants by purchasing recipes from the charter vendor.

Premium Effects

Elixir of Reaping:

While gathering, your chance to find supplies as well as experienced gained is increased by 25%. Lasts for 1 hour. These can be acquired by redeeming ultra-rare zog sets.

Yorricks Fervor: Every time you gather you will gain 1 extra material. This is a passive enchantment effect, so it is permanent once acquired. This effect can be obtained from one of two methods: Either by purchasing the enchantment from the crown shop, or collecting 300,000 charter tokens and purchasing it in-game from the charter vendor. The enchantment effect does not stack with itself.

Premium Gathering Tools: These tools are extra durable, gathers 20% faster, enables bountiful gathering for all level of nodes while further boosting their chances by 10%, and increases experienced gained by 5%. They can be purchased from the item shop

Crafting & Gathering Guide (2024)
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Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.