Location: In the radioactive bus inside the Maze
Location: Inside the Magnetic Cave in the fire chamber. Use your bolts to trigger the flames and get close with your scanner to spot the Spinner shooting out of the flames.
Location: Found inside the Deaf Meadow anomaly. Towers the base of the north-western cliff edge
Location: Found on Bubbles' body
Related Mission: All That is Left
Location: Drop into the basement via the hole in the floor - beware the mutants. Make your way up the stairs and out the gate back to the surface. Turn around, head up the concrete ramp, hop onto the side of the chemical tank - then make your way to the catwalk with the artifact.
Location: Inside the underground cave in the poison anomaly
Requirements: Appears during a side mission Piece of Cake
Location: On top of the silo. Can also spawn on top of adjacent silos. Jump on to the ladder from a nearby insulated pipe. Sometimes will spawn on ground level.
Does respawn after a while.
On a small island, near a body.
Does not respawn.
One of the legendary "altered items" often mentioned in hushed tones by stalkers around the campfire. A child's ball, oddly weighty.
Equipping it seems to reduce bullet damage in combat, particularly when standing still.
Location: On the ground in a pile of rocks
Location: In the middle of all the anomalies
Location: Inside the Death Cave, on stone platform with the skeleton
Controller spawns at the entrance once you interact with the loot.
Location: Reward for completing Escort Quest
Location: Under the corridor beside a dead body
Location: Basement
Location: Inside the magma spitter anomalies. Multiple artifacts have a chance to spawn in this location
Location: In the underground railroad tunnel - in the electrical anomaly
Location: Near the corpse
Next to a corpse inside the barracks in the back
Location: Inside the Fire Anomaly
Note: Only appears once ??
Location: In the poisoned area
Potential Artifacts: Slime / Slug / Crust
Location: In the basement (requires Heavy Key), or on the roof (bug)
Spawn cooldown 2-3 day(patch 1.0.2)
Scan around the crane.
Location: ??
Location: Back of the tanker
Location: Electric anomaly
Behind the cabin. Unique Poppy Field "altered item". Emits a fragrance that masks your scent for a while after resting, but wears off gradually.
Location: Next to a dead stalker lying on a rock at the bottom of the Chasm anomaly. If you walk along the eastern edge of the cliff to the north, you can see a concrete well with a ladder that you can use to go down.
There is also a bag with a blueprint next to the body.
Chance to spawn here
In the formation of rocks, in the gravitational anomaly field.
Location: Scanner in the Open Field activate it - be careful about the Anomalys that spawn and after Scan is complete pick up Whirlwind Artifact
Location: On the ground surrounded by anomalies. About 15 meters south-southwest from the truck
Location: In the fire anomaly
Location: Inside a toxic waste
Location: near dead stalker
Location: Look for sewer grating that you can get inside of. To left when you get inside, dead body and a scanner you can interact with for a Ciliate artifact (does not respawn)
Location: In the middle of all the acid bubbles
Location: In the gravitational anomaly field under the bridge.
Respawns.Can be a legendary Compass artifact.
Location: Between chemical anomalies
Drops: Horn \ Slime \ Thorn
Location: Fire anomaly
Location: ??
On the roof of the Ahroprom Factory
Gravitational Anomaly
Enter by dropping down a hole just north above this marker, or enter via a cave a short distance northwest of this marker, artifact nearby a burnt corpse.
When you let go of the "smart ghost" and complete the mission in the Everglades, there will be a team of stalkers here. Talk to them and choose "the smart ghost told me the key information" to get this singularity.
Location: Gravitational anomaly near the trains
Location: Inside the magma spitter anomolies
Location: In the water, between a small row boat wreck and the gravitational anomaly.
Inside a scanner, on an island with zombified stalkers.
Artifact located in the middle of electrical anomalies.
Acid anomaly
On a train car
Location: Fire Anomaly
Location: Gravitational anomaly
Thermal Anomaly (Firecracker)
Location: Underground, an acid anomaly is related to the quest Purely Business quest taken from the Bartender
Found only at night, random spawn around the area of the dancing lights
Location: Near Kupovate Collective Farm
Top of helicopter rotor. You must climb up on the westernmost helicopter tail and time jumps from rotor to rotor, avoiding anomalies. Urchin was found here, unsure if it's fixed or random. Bloodsucker roams the helicopter area. Use caution.
Location: Found in the electro anomalies
Location: In ditch in back of a truck
Reward for solving the puzzle
Location: Fire Anomaly
Location: ??
Location: On top of the rock near the dead scientist's body.
To get there, make sure you're on the highest point of the adjacent rock before you jump to the taller rock. You have to hit it just right to get on top.
Found after solving the parkour puzzle at the fire tornado arch anomaly
Location: There will be a dead stalker on the tree and an artifact in front of himNOTE: Be careful with the two Bayuns
- Inside of the tunnel, when coming in from the direction of STC Malachite, there will be a room to your right, head down the stairs and you will find the artifact floating next to a body.
- Thermal Protection (Weak)
- Radiation (Weak)
Location: Near trailer camp
Scan around the helicopter
Artifact floating above a corpse of a dead stalker
Found during the mist arch anomaly in the chimney of the house after solving the puzzle
Location: School Stadium
To the northeast of the "Brain Scorcher" location in the Malachite Zone, amidst pyro anomalies (also beware several Poltergeists nearby).
Location: Inside the bubble anomaly
Location: ??
Search near center of location around toxic pools near tank
Location: Military Tunnel - underground on top of the train car
Location: ??
Daredevil Pass - The artifact moves around in a maze of glass shards and gravity orb anomalies.
Location: Underground
Use Psi-block to get rid of the hallucinogenic effect
Type: Gravitational, e.g. Stone Heart
Location: Inside the gas tank area
Near a body.
Location: Ground floor of the Commissary Store
To the southeast of the "Promin CMD Factory" in the Chemical Plant Zone, amidst Vortex and Shard anomalies
Location: Toxic Bog inside Chemical Plant zone. Bubble anomalies.
Location: Inside the warehouse in the Electro Anomalies
Location: Ground or top floor, around the hole.
Can spawn on the roof. The legendary compass artifact is a possible spawn.
Type: Electro
Approach from the south east and go through the maze, you'll find the artifact on a dead stalker on the top right corner. (also scanner shows it)
Location: SES Polygon - inside the complex in the middle on the floor by a dead body
Location: In the middle of a gas bubbles.
Location: Near the corpe in the middle
A psi anomaly with a large number of phantom artifacts, among which only one is real.
Location: ??
Location: ??
Fire Anomaly
Location: On the roof
Type: Electro
Location: Pripyat substation - you need to activate a scanner that will cause electrical anomalies. After activation, there will be an artifact in the scanner. Two poltergeists will also appear
Type: Fire
Underground, random artifact respawn. The main quest will take you here after SIRCAA. The entrance is a cave NE on the waterline.
Location: On the roof inside the scanner
Scanner, up on the crane, next to the stash. One will need to jump onto a ladder, then activate the scanner.
Caution: 2 Electro-Poltergeists will spawn after the scanning is done.
Location: Next to the slug, inside the radioactive bus
Inside Warehouse on scanner that, when charged will give you the "Dead Sponge" artifact upon interacting with it. Be aware that after you take the artifact, 3 bloodsuckers will spawn
Dead Sponge (0.3 kg) - An uncommon artifact found in thermal anomalies.
Powered Dead Sponge used to be sought after by practitioners of alternative medicine on the Mainland. The remedy's popularity waned following a series of deaths among its users.
Bleeding Resistance: MediumRadiation: Medium
Once you arrive, you'll see a clearing with a scanner in the middle. Activate the scanner, and wait. Once the scanner is finished, an Armored elk will spawn. You can now pick up the artifact from it, and run away or fight the mutants.